You don’t believe me, do you? Adam, Nedly, Elson, Andy, Paul and all the first rate graphics people I’ve had the pleasure to work with – you still don’t believe me.
But here’s what you don’t know…
In Sunday’s London Times (13 November) there was an article entitled “Uglies can’t hide on the net.” I’d link everyone to it but it’s a paid subscription. So trust me on this. (I will save the article to show you all when we next meet!)
The article is about online dating and how women judge the attractiveness of men.
Wait for it... attractiveness is based on what the men write about themselves and NOT, repeat NOT on the photos that are put online. This is a scientific study, not a cosmeceutical “three out of four women think they look better” sort of thing.
It seems that confident men convey this attribute through their words… women sense the confidence, which attracts them and implies the man is successful regardless of what the picture looks like!!!!!!
They’re looking at Quasimodo yet when they read the words – the WORDS – they find his ugly visage attractive. Isn’t that Sales 101? Isn’t that Direct Marketing 101?
Case closed, I win… at some primordial level, people (OK, to be fair, maybe this just applies to women) are convinced by and give away their hearts, so to speak, to words… as if there's a genetic mandate to do so… and a subconscious way of 'knowing' that is so powerful it overcomes the actual image.
You guys can buy me that drink now.