Vertical Marketing: Wimborne B2B Agency Does It Right

OK, I’m prejudiced: I like these guys, I’ve worked with them and I know them to be smart and creative… but I love Vertical’s new web site. All I can say is ‘what took you so long’?

But you know the old adage: the drains in a plumber’s home are always clogged; the lights in an electrician’s home never work.

So, while Vertical has been designing a new kind of web presence for its clients – sites that offer information and solutions rather than the usual corporate blah, blah, blah – the VM web was still old school. (‘Vertical Marketing is a full service B2B agency that offers complete services, etc., etc., etc.’ You could take out ‘Vertical’ and add in ‘Mary’s Marketing’ and the message was the same old, same old… like you still see on 90% of B2B agency sites.)

Not anymore.

Read the new site and learn. There’s a minimum of corporate nonsense and a maximum of information to help anyone interested in contemporary B2B marketing. You could learn a lot from this site: about PR, advertising, SEO and the new opportunities that social media offers B2B.

This is how it’s done. No lecturing… nothing stuffy… lots of information… and the sense that Vertical knows its business and is willing to share what it knows. And there’s a passion for B2B marketing and learning new techniques that so many agencies have lost.

As I said – read and learn.