Not a lot of people outside of France know about Chantal Gensse.
Lucky for me, I was introduced to Chantal by a close friend and was immediately taken by her candor (really, if you ask her a question you will get an answer, you might not like it, but you can’t ignore the wisdom). As unlikely as it sounds, this unassuming French woman has done what Harvard MBAs have failed to do: develop a theory of business management that is at once both radically new and a return to traditional capitalism… a method that is perfect for our shattered economic times.
Several large French corporations have taken Chantal’s management method to heart and with amazing success. Better yet, her method, called Expert 5A, works quickly. It’s not your typical, ‘bring in consultants for six months’ – rather it’s, talk with Chantal, give her a few days to apply her wisdom, then she’s away and you’re on the right track. Sound too simple? It’s not… she’s that perceptive and her system is that good.
I’m not qualified to explain it properly, so let's just say that Chantal is the anti-Sun Tzu, and she comes at a time when management needs a new paradigm… one that moves away from the war analogy and toward a mutually cooperative business environment (and marketing environment) based on give and take – not just take, take, take.
In hindsight, I think we can all see that “The Art of War” was a ridiculous model for business to follow. How many of you have ever worked for a company that had a 'war room'? I did. The absurdity of it – some white haired guys in ugly suits huddling up as if they were reincarnations of Eisenhower, DeGaulle, FDR and Churchill… strategizing on how to sell cosmetics rather than defeat Hitler.
We’ve already seen the results of following Sun Tzu – look at Wall Street’s actions, plundering stocks, raping retirement funds, taking huge salaries, then asking for help when the well ran dry. Attila the Hun couldn’t have wrecked more havoc.
So, it’s this attitude of greed, power and corporate narcissism that Chantal has come to unmask and destroy… and in so doing she makes companies better, more profitable, more human... healthier.
Manage your company and your employees as an organic system rather than a weapon to crush the competition, put fear into the hearts of your workers and overwhelm consumers and guess what? Your company succeeds, profits rise, employees are happy, the economy gets healthy and capitalism returns to its roots.
As I said, it’s not for me to explain Expert 5A. If you’re interested, visit -- you’ll need to bone up on your French. But I’m told there’s a new book in English that’s available now or soon will be.
Chantal wondered about marketing Expert 5A. “What would you say?” she asked me.
My idea? Show a tough corporate president, tall, imposing, in a boardroom along with a smallish, unimposing woman and ask: “Do You Have the Courage (I really want to say Balls) to Talk with Chantal?”
I did have the courage… on a couple of occasions; and once the smoke cleared and my ego healed (no owner or CEO wants to hear that his/her company isn’t perfect), the real problems became apparent, false ‘battles’ fell away and solutions (and ways to improve creativity) came almost immediately to mind.
She had the nerve to accuse me of being a pessimist – well, that’s not really true, because her method has nothing to do with accusations, just showing you a less hostile way to proceed. Well, I guess I am a pessimist – marketing is in such a bad place these days I wonder if it will ever make the transition to 21st century realities. But as long as there are people like Chantal working to find better, healthier management and marketing techniques that lead to financial and personal success, I guess I can ratchet down my pessimism… and I will, as soon as I throw away that damned Sun Tzu!