I was getting ready to post about a recent conversation
with a potential client: a B-list reality star who wants her own cosmetic
But why moan about the same old story?
It’s the nature of the business to speak with people who
KNOW all there is to KNOW about marketing even though they have never marketed
a thing. This inane conversation (where the ultimate price point she wanted
minus the 55% discount to distributors, minus formula costs, production,
airless pump and ‘glamorous’ packaging left a whopping $9 gross without a cent
spent for marketing) followed an earlier one in which a client didn’t need help
identifying social media opportunities or developing an online persona because,
“I went to a seminar last month.”
Wow! Three whole hours of marketing wisdom.
I'll just move on and keep my chin up… while being ever more
convinced that if we marketers are good at what we do, we should
sell our own products so we finally have complete control, on one hand, and no more
excuses (as the existentialists say) on the other.
Our success will prove the validity of our
creativity and strategy and become a model/template for those rare clients who
recognize what they’re good at and where they need help.
God bless ‘em. Now get out there, get your hands dirty, pony up your time and money, and sell something.